Thursday, June 18, 2015

Vision for Teaching Literacy in the 21st Century

My personal teaching pedagogy is grounded in the creation of a "safe space" within my classroom.  I believe that in order for true learning to take place that I need to work with my students to create an authentic environment within my classroom where students can be comfortable with the uncomfortable. I accomplish this through a variety of classroom activities and polices, as well as incorporating food and service. This fundamental belief- that students learn best in such an environment, shapes my personal beliefs.
  • I believe education is the fundamental right of every human being and it should be accessible to all - however, I also believe that the government needs to stay out of education and let free enterprise work. 
  • I believe that students should develop to their own individual desire and potential. They should be respected for who they are right now, and admired for who they may become.
  • I believe in using technology to benefit education, to enhance learning, not simply for the sake of using technology.
  • I believe that there is no "one way" to teach; each professor and each class is unique and should be respected. 
  • I believe that in order to be the best professor I can be, the best person I can be, I need to commit myself to a lifetime of learning and sharing that knowledge with others.

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